Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So, with barely 2 weeks to go, I'm starting to go crazy with my London to-do lists..

1. Packing!.. No way, not for atleast 13 days..
2. Find a reasonable way to charge/pay for things. (My Discover Card will not be accepted most places there, and my debit card has ridiculous foreign currency fees!!)
3. Find a really cute trench coat for all those rainy days.
4. Cancel my phone's data plan, car insurance, memberships, etc.. for the next 4 months.

Ok, no one else cares about this.. but it's all I've been doing now that I have a plane ticket booked!

I want that! And it's my birthday soon, so please.. buy it..(for me!)



  1. I found you're blog!! And! That coat is ridiculous lol....I love the flat pics!!!!!

  2. katie! my bank in norman doesn't charge debit card fees and it doesnt charge when you take money out of the ATM. Its the global rewards card at republic bank and trust. you should look into it!

  3. Hey Lisha!! You'll have to come visit me! :)

    And Taylor, you are a wealth of knowledge!! Thanks so much for the tip, I'll need to check into that today!
