One can go pretty much anywhere in Norman and find some sort of OU paraphernalia. Campus corner is like the Holy Grail for OU anything, for this post we’ll be focusing on the different attire available for Sooner GameDay.
All of the t-shirt stores on campus corner have the same boring options. Don’t get me wrong a t-shirt is perfectly acceptable if you’re a guy. But if you’re a girl like me, I prefer dresses and skirt options. A t-shirt will be fine if accessorized correctly, you can’t show up in a t-shirt looking like you just rolled out of bed. A t-shirt is cute if paired with a cute American Apparel skirt and adorable flats from Shoetopia. This girl, Krista White, got the t-shirt look right at the OU vs. BYU game in Dallas.

A t-shirt is also acceptable when it’s fitted and paired with a great pair of jeans, like Patti Zumwalt did in Seattle last year for the OU vs. Washington.
The first few games have much more options for apparel since the weather is warm. One can wear a dress, tank top, shorts, skirt, and sandals there are plenty of options. Here are a few of the best warm gameday outfits I have seen.
I unfortunately forgot to take pictures of bad gameday outfits. I saw so many, but felt bad taking the picture. I wasn’t sure I could lie and tell the person I liked their outfit and wanted a pic of it for the blog. So I’ll just describe to you what merits a bad gameday outfit. Shorts that are too short, a baggy t-shirt, a red that’s a little more orange than red, cowboy boots that are too tight around the calf (causing a calf muffin top), and sometimes jerseys. A jersey has to fit right and must be paired with something girly so as not to confuse the girl wearing it with a dyke. I’m sorry but you know if you saw a girl in a jersey, ponytail, jeans and tennis shoes you’d think the same thing!
Next time I promise to take pics of the BAD.
Tomorrow on cup/foot: Double-dark-double-dip peanut butter filled chocolate cupcakes! mmmmmmm...yumyumyum!
Good thing I didn't read this before posting, Tine!! I wore a gameday jersey, jeans, sneakers, and a ponytail to the last game! Thanks alot! HAHAHAHAHA.