My weekend plans were very straight forward. Shopping! I started early on Saturday morning to get ready for my day in the Oxford St./Soho/Bond Street areas.. My biggest goal, find and do some damage at Primark.
I had heard so much about Primark before even leaving the States (thanks to Taylor!) and I wanted to finally see what it was all about. Well, tip to any girl that likes to shop but hates the crowds and waiting.. DO NOT go on the weekend. That place was a zoo. Once I found some cute items that I wanted to try on, I figured I could find one of many dressing rooms. WRONG. One dressing room for over 100 ladies with carts of clothing. One look at the line and I gave up. Get me outta there.
I went to TOPSHOP, and loooved it. Found shoes I loved, bought them in a size too big (all they had left), then promptly returned them when I came to my senses. So sad.
Basically after 5 hours of nonstop shopping, all I came home with was a black jean skirt, a shirt, some black tights, and two realllly sore feet. But I loved it!
I'll remember to take pictures next time.. :)
3 days ago